IT SQM: A Cornerstone of Effective Technology Business

Digital Transformation / Operational Technology

IT SQM: A Cornerstone of Effective Technology Business

IT services quality management (“IT SQM”) is the practice of managing the quality of IT services within an organization. It involves a variety of techniques and processes to ensure that IT services meet or exceed the desired quality standard.

Improving order consistency and accuracy results in more satisfied customers, resulting in higher revenue and margin, leading to more opportunity and time available for product & service development and innovation.

Why embrace IT SQM?

The quality of IT services varies wildly across the landscape of the IT service industry network. Whether we look at it from the perspective of a company running its own technology teams or from inside the technology provider itself, there is no question that improving overall quality benefits both the business and customers by improving:

Consistent, seamless, and knowledgeable product & service delivery builds rapport and trust with consumers over time and answers an important consumer question: I wonder what to expect?
Nobody likes risk when it comes to spending their hard-earned money. An outcome of increased quality is increased predictability. Both you and your customers know you are getting what you want out of the transaction.
IT SQM improves process, procedure, and control accuracy, resulting in higher levels of internal and external satisfaction.
A focus on quality means paying attention to all aspects of the product & service, to learn and understand what the customer wants and what the business can deliver on.
By applying IT SQM, both you and your customers gain increased confidence that the promised results are what will be achieved.

By focusing on these key areas, substantial downstream benefits are realized by both the business and its customers. For example, improving order consistency and accuracy results in more satisfied customers, resulting in higher revenue and margin, leading to more opportunity and time available for product & service development and innovation.

Some key parts of an IT quality management system include:

Designing the IT QMS based on standard templates
Mapping and interconnection with the organization's quality management system
The role of the IT Quality Manager
Tool support for improvement tracking
IT Quality Board and IT quality reviews

3 tips for quality IT service management:

Periodically train the entire team to align expectations and find gaps
Review strategies to meet business needs
Use modern systems

Some other types of quality management include:

Software quality management
Aims to develop and manage the quality of software to meet customer expectations
Service quality management
Manages the quality of services delivered to a customer
Total quality management
Has four stages: quality inspection, quality control, quality assurance, and TQM

Following IT SQM unlocks worlds of hidden potential within your organization.

Interactive Experiences

Enhanced Quality and Coaching
Prescriptive Quality and Coaching supported by AI
Customer Experience
Unfiltered journey experience through voice of customers
Severe Alert and Crisis Management
Identify reputational & brand risks and provide intervention.

Connected Experiences

Channel Optimization
Leverage the right channels to deliver personalized and seamless experiences
Intelligent Assist and Support
Deliver employee and customer support experience at the right moment
Proactive Outreach
Anticipate customer product and service needs and stay connected with customer

Intelligent Experiences

Product, Service and Competitor Insight
Capture intelligence of enhanced customer primacy and identify market threats
Sales, Marketing and Acquisition Effectiveness
Capture intelligence to gain market share and share wallet
Customer Loyalty and Retention
Capture intelligence to increase customer's life-time value and longevity

Joke of the Day

Where does the USA keep its backups?